Wednesday, February 20, 2013

B-U-D-W-E-I-S-E-R To Shine Again

****Update**** The Twitter-verse says there will be a ceremony starting at 4:50p with the lighting at 5****

The redone BUDWEISER sign on the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Soulard will be turned on for the first time Wednesday night in a private ceremony at the brewery. Not quite sure if that means it's just going to be "The Fourth" flipping the switch just in case something goes wrong or not.

Not sure what time the sign will be lit but for the $500,000 ABInbev spent on it, it better be really bright AND save us if a meteor comes at us (unlike Russian missiles).

Here are several possible reactions you could see around Soulard on Wednesday when the sign comes back on:

Out walking the dog and left his shades at home.

If the crews spelled out B-U-D-W-I-E-S-E-R


The Fourth gets electrocuted

The window in your bathroom faces the sign

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