Saturday, June 11, 2011

This Lady Represents Us?

Photo courtesy of
Here's another great article from the Post-Dispatch about our lovely State Senator, Robin Wright-Jones. Ms. Wright-Jones is the State Senator representing our District, the 5th.

Keep in mind this is on top of the extravagant birthday party she threw herself and didn't pay for in a timely manner.

This gist of the story is that there is a big discrepancy in her campaign finance forms; to the tune of $95,000.  That includes a couple questionable line items that make it look like she was double-reimbursed.  There's also an expense for buying tickets to a boxing event for some supporters.

Her answers to questions are pretty funny.  I hope she didn't really mean that her Campaign Treasurer, who is A-VP of Business and Financial Affairs at Harris-Stowe was "not capable" of filing out the forms correctly.

The end quote reads as follows:
"Our faith tells us we need to work toward perfection," she said, "even if we may not attain it."
Sounds like someone as been listening to a tv preacher a little too much.

I am pretty sure the 8th Commandment reads "thou shalt not steal". Guess the man in the tv didn't address that.

Kudos to Jake Wagman for another excellent political story.

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