Monday, June 13, 2011

SeenInSoulard #46 More Car Break-ins

There were at least three more car break-ins last night in Soulard.  These two cars, and a third on the other side were broken into last night in the alley between 8th and 9th behind Carson's.  The third car (not pictured) belonged to someone who just left the doors unlocked and nothing really in the car, but she could tell the car had been rummaged through.  The owner of one of these cars saw the hoodlums who did it and scared them off.  The culprits were apparently 2 or 3 teenagers around the 13-14 age range.  Not much, if anything, was taken from these cars, it just ruined the owners' day.  The teens were kind enough to leave the rock they used in one of the cars.  The incident happened around 11:30p last night and one owner said he heard the teens around again about 2 am.  He called the police both times.  If you see something or someone suspicious around the Island, don't be afraid to call 9-1-1, that's what it's there for.  I am pretty sure I saw the teens walking down 8th and I thought about calling, but I didn't. Shame on me.


  1. There were at least another 6 car break-ins last evening near the Boys' Club. Saw the suspect as he broke into the final car around 2 am, scared him off and called the police. Just be aware and if you hear something outside check and call it in to the police immediately. They responded in about 5 minutes and had a good chance of apprehending the suspect.

  2. Great job scaring the suspect off. He will get what is coming to him
