Judging by this sentence on the website:
Custodian of Records: Due to staff limitations all Sunshine Law requests must be made by United States Postal Service only, as the site is not monitored and emails are not checked on a daily basis.
It seems like a very efficient organization.
The BarCycle has been off the road since June 9th. Their CCN hearing was supposed to be held on June 19th at the monthly meeting of the Taxicab Commission. That meeting was canceled due to enough people finding better things to do and not showing up.
It was then decided that the Board wouldn't meet in June and instead would meet in July. A request that would have allowed the BarCycle to operate until the next hearing was denied.
On a side note, do you remember the horrible traffic conditions downtown when the National Baptist Association Convention was in town? Apparently the City looked the other way while the Convention illegally operated "courtesy vehicles".
Here are some images that just kind of showed up in my inbox. I believe they are from a supporter of the BarCycle who is not affiliated whatsoever with the BarCycle or the Taxi Commission and would just like to see it back on the road because it is good for the neighborhood. At least that's what the email said. These would be perfect to blow up and stick on a board at the end of a long stick I reckon.
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Is it "good for the neighborhood" because all $$ is good for the neighborhood. Or is a nuisance, and a safety hazard for those on the bike, as well as those around it?